Little Sunshine Childcare Center in Clarksdale is a daycare provider dedicated to helping children learn and grow. Our daycare center offers a nurturing environment for infants to school-age kids, with activities that are tailored to their individual needs. At Little Sunshine, we believe daycare can be an important part of a child’s early education. We have dedicated staff members who …
Tips on How to Select the Best Child Care Provider
Choosing a daycare is an important decision, as it will affect your child’s day-to-day life and overall development. You want to make sure that the daycare provider you choose is able to provide a safe, nurturing environment in which your child can grow and thrive. At Little Sunshine Childcare Center in Clarksdale, we understand the importance of finding a daycare …
Why the Little Sunshine Center Encourages Learning Through Play
Parents want to only do what is best for their children. For many families, this involves enrolling their child in a center for early childhood education such as a daycare facility or preschool. While guided curricula such as learning numbers, colors, and letters are a great foundation for academic success, many experienced educators understand the importance of learning through play. …